Advanced PDF Reports
Based on customer feedback, we have implemented a PDF report that summarizes the ddrobotec® Insights with additional user-specific input.
Every ddrobotec® customer with a valid software license can immediately benefit from all the new features. Only a few clicks are required. Become also an active participant in the world of digital health and sports technology.
Push limits with robotics 💙❤️
Update Alvin 4.2
Main menu:
- Added PDF Report to the Insights including possibility to add user-specific information such as real name and condition/indication
- Added possibility to send the Insights PDF Report to the Insights by email
- Improved leaderboard and added a “local” ranking
- Added PDF reports to Force Power Test, Joint Position Sense Test and Stiffness Control Test
- Improved max force estimation through Force Power Test, which is now executed 7 times
- Improved Joint Position Sense Test – visually and conceptually
- Improved default 1-RM values for the different fitness categories
- Improved all test related messages and descriptions
- Implemented a slide-in menu for deleting and modifying existing playlists
- Added feature to rename playlists within the new slide-in men
- Overall improvements and fixes based on your feedback. Press alt+F on the ddrobotec® System keyboard to send us feedback